Blogilates 21 Day Tone Day 5–9

Liv Anne
2 min readJan 13, 2021


“I’m Working 9–5, what a way to make a living" Ha, get it? But seriously, here are days 5–9 of my fitness challenge.

Day 5: 23% done with the challenge! It was a leg workout and I also went cross country skiing, needless to say, my leg muscles were put to great use!

Day 6: This was a weightless arm workout and I was starting to feel the fatigue of the week catch up to me. I will admit I did the majority of this workout sitting up in bed.

Day 7:Stretch Day! Ahh, this one felt so good to do and was much needed. I also went on a small nature hike this day — being outside is something I love and very therapeutic for me. I even saw the cutest sleeping owl in a tree!

Day 8: I barely slept this night, so the workout was a challenge. I did a modified version of almost all the moves and just lay there ready for bed by the time I was done. Definitely not my best workout, but felt so great to check it off and stick to my promise to myself. I’m also down 1.2 pounds!

Day 9: Today’s workout was fun and I was able to push myself on the last set. I felt proud of myself for doing that. Cassey also said some really motivational things in today’s video, one of them being “2021 will be magical.” I will hold that in my mind and I am hoping for an amazingly magical and happy 2021 for all. I love hearing how positive she is, sometimes her words really feel like a big hug.

9 days down, 12 to go #21daytone

