Blogilates 21 Day Tone Day 4

Liv Anne
1 min readJan 7, 2021


It boggles my mind that people can work out with sore muscles and not say anything

Boy oh boy, am I sore! It is Day 4 of the challenge and I am feeling it EVERYWHERE.

Today’s workout was an ab workout and I actually had fun doing it which feels like progress in and of itself. I am feeling happier and my mind feels more at ease — those endorphins are really something!

I’m feeling grateful for Cassey and her kind nature, she is able to motivate me without making me feel bad for going at my own pace and that really helps me stick with it and celebrate the little victories — like how I worked out four days in a row and I am actually sticking to this program! I love seeing how I'm progressing.

Progress, not perfection, as I say.

I’m excited to see what tomorrow’s workout will be and I’m feeling optimistic about being able to complete the challenge.

