Blogilates 21 Day Tone — Day 10–16

Liv Anne
2 min readJan 19, 2021

Almost there!

Day 10: Today was an ab workout which I enjoyed but it was not my favourite. I don’t particularly like working out abs and arms as those are my “weakest” muscles. But legs and booty? All-day, every day!
Day 11: I had so much fun doing today’s workout, it sounds so funny to call a workout fun but I am re-discovering my joy for fitness.
Day 12: MY ARMS ARE SORE. After today’s workout, all I can say is OUCH. It was a weightless arm workout too but you wouldn’t know it by the way my muscles are feeling now.
Day 13: Today I went on a long nature hike with my partner as well as the Blogilates workout. I love days that I can go outside and explore nature and still have the energy to do a workout. That’s what makes the 21-day challenge so amazing, it is only 21 minutes and is easily doable after a long day!
Day 14: A nice stretch day! I did the video with my partner which was a lot of fun. It is nice to have the company while doing these videos.
Day 15: I drank half a liter of water during today’s workout. It was cardio based but felt great to get it done. I can’t believe I have stuck with this challenge for so long — if I am being honest, I really didn’t think I could do it.
Day 16: I loved today's workout — one that focused on using booty bands. It makes my muscles sore and gets my heart rate up.

I can hardly believe that we are 5 days away from completing this challenge! I am so excited and it has really shown me how quickly time can pass. It may seem daunting starting something new and knowing you have to wait to see progress, but I am 16 days closer to my goals than I was before, and look how fast those 16 days flew by!

I am feeling really grateful to be able to work out and I am celebrating all that my body does for me — our bodies really are something special. I am learning more about how to celebrate this than worry about what the scale says, and it feels great to focus on my health and happiness rather than the numbers.

If you are thinking of starting something new, today is a great day to work towards your goals!

