Blogilates 21 Day Challenge Day 2&3

Liv Anne
2 min readJan 7, 2021


Here are a few updates from day 2 and 3 of the 21 days “be active” challenge

Day 2: I wasn’t sure if I was going to workout this day because I woke up with a headache and winded up taking a nap in the evening and couldn’t believe that my challenge would end after just one day.

Luckily, I woke up feeling refreshed with no headache and was able to tackle the 21-minute workout ahead and was so glad that I did!

For me, this challenge is not just about checking off the box that I completed it, its about holding myself accountable and forming healthy habits while listening to my body. If I had to miss a workout to take care of my health then I would be okay with that but I need to find the balance of pushing myself to my full potential and learning when to rest.

Day 3 — this was a fun day for me! I spent the majority of the day practicing snowboarding, it consisted of a lot of falling, walking up the mountain, and slowly making progress. It felt great to see myself improving! It is a physically demanding sport, to say the least, and I found myself working up a sweat but it was so much fun I barely noticed the workout it was in itself!

When we got back home from snowboarding I made sure to eat something substantial and then I was off to tackle the third workout of the 21-day challenge! It was a tough booty workout and it kicked my BUTT — get it? I found myself needing frequent pauses but in the end, I was able to complete it. Exhausted was an understatement.

I was proud of myself for completing the workout and being active that day. This challenge is more about staying active and helping my mental health than it is about the number on the scale. So far, I am really grateful that I have been able to squeeze in so many fun outdoor activities and stick to the workouts. I am excited to see how the other 18 days go!

