Blogilates 21 Day Challenge

Liv Anne
Jan 2, 2021


Happy New Year, Here is to a healthier and happier year!

Is anyone else’s resolution to be more physically active? Mine is too and I found the perfect challenge to help kick-start the year on a good note.

The Blogilates 21 Day Challenge starts on January 4, 2021 and entails 21 days of 21 active minutes. Sounds easy enough, right?

In theory, yes, this does not sound too bad but keeping yourself motivated is harder than it seems.

It is reported that it takes 21 days to form a new habit so this is why Cassey, the founder of Blogilates, has chosen 21 days and it is fitting considering it is the year ‘21.

I am hoping to complete all 21 days and will be blogging about my journey along the way.

Are you in?

